This is the place where my story meets yours.

In my acupuncture practice, and through the support of Chinese herbal medicine, we will collaborate to remind your body of its ability to adapt to stressors and restore balance.

I will meet you where you are, right now, and am committed to holding the entirety of your experience.

Together we will renew your confidence in your ability to heal, reconnect you with the support of the natural world, and tap into the courage and resilience that's already inside of you to confidently step forward and return you to a state of balance.


Are acupuncture and Chinese medicine already a part of your story?


Support for your Creative Genius

Maybe your mom’s best friend Becky swears by acupuncture for her arthritis.

She says acupuncture keeps the pain and swelling in her fingers under control like nothing else can. Which she’s ecstatic about because she’s been able to continue making the costumes for her granddaughter’s class and their upcoming performance of “Frozen” without missing a beat.


Support for your Growing Family

Or maybe your sister-in-law had such severe morning sickness when she was pregnant with your nephew that she rarely left the house and had to take medical leave from her job. In fact, your brother had to drive her everywhere — even to her first acupuncture appointment — which if we’re being honest, he didn’t really think would help her. I mean, if even the strongest medications couldn’t touch it, how could it help?

But after just one treatment, he saw the color return to her face and she was actually hungry for the first time in months. And after her second treatment, he saw a resurgence of her independence and she began to drive herself to her appointments. And over the course of six treatments, he watched her nausea subside for increasingly longer periods of time until it was gone completely!

Your brother may have even used acupuncture himself to stop smoking before his son arrived, and then to deal with the anxiety he felt about becoming a father when he no longer had his regularly scheduled smoke breaks to remind him to breathe.


Support for your Adventurous Lifestyle

Or maybe your buddy was in the middle of a 12-mile backpacking trip (his first backpacking trip!) and he hurt his knee. I mean, really hurt his knee. And his only option was to keep carrying his 50 lb. pack (okay, a little heavy, but it was his first trip!) for the 6 miles it took him to get back to his truck.

Luckily, he happened to have a friend who was an acupuncturist and she agreed to treat him that very night.

Imaging three weeks out from the knee injury — after receiving acupuncture treatments twice a week — showed his meniscus had been torn but the acupuncture had helped his body heal itself! While he was somewhat skeptical of acupuncture before his injury, his experience turned him into quite the advocate for acupuncture at your gym.

Or are you new to acupuncture and Chinese medicine and want to know how they can help you?

Okay, so you don’t have arthritis and you’re not old enough to have a granddaughter. You don’t sew. You don’t have a sister-in-law and you aren’t pregnant. You’ve never smoked and you don’t tend toward anxiety. And the thought of backpacking? Well…

No worries! These are only a few of the stories I’ve collected from my patients over the years.

Acupuncture can help you with whatever you’re facing, wherever you are in the process of facing (or not facing) it.

In its 2,000 + year history, acupuncture has been used to treat hundreds of conditions.

And I know it can help you today!

Contact me to find out how.


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I believe that the wise words of others are an important component in the promotion of health, so I created an email series that sends one of my favorite quotes your way each week.

Interested in learning more? Read my article entitled, On Quotes: Changing Mindset and Promoting Health,

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Selected Articles

Here's a series of articles I've written on topics related to acupuncture, wellness, and my own personal journey.
They'll help you get to know me, my perspective, and inform you further about the benefits of acupuncture.


There are functional reasons why PTS occurs, and they cannot be addressed through talk therapy alone. Learn more about how acupuncture can be a part of a truly holistic wellness plan.

WHAT's IN a name?

A recurring theme in my personal story (the eventual subject of my Masters thesis) inspired the name of my practice. In its many forms, home is a guiding concept in my work.


More and more, medical research is showing that acupuncture is a powerful alternative to many conventional pain management practices. The data speaks for itself.


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Need questions about acupuncture or Chinese herbal medicine answered before moving ahead with treatment? Contact me by phone or email to schedule a short, complimentary consultation.